3/8ths of a Thought

Major Junior or NCAA? | Young players playing in an indoor ice rink - SkateGuard


30 Nov 2023

Major Junior or NCAA? Part 1: The Case for Major Junior

If you grow up playing hockey in North America, there are essentially two paths to the NHL once you reach the age of 16: the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Rob Martini

Female hockey player scoring against goalie - SkateGuard


28 Sep 2023

Women’s Pro Hockey, Part 2: Where We’re Going

I sit here writing this on the day after the inaugural PWHL draft. Ninety young women heard their names called yesterday. It’s the kind of moment that many of these

Rob Martini

Women’s Pro Hockey | Father holding daughters hand, going into an ice rink - SkateGuard


22 Sep 2023

Women’s Pro Hockey, Part 1: How We Got Here

SkateGuard co-founder Mike Jaczko and I work in financial markets. There are times in markets when you have a thesis about what SHOULD happen. And then it doesn’t. You watch the

Rob Martini

Thoughts From The 2023 NHL Draft | Young player posing in front of a large TV screen - SkateGuard


12 Sep 2023

Thoughts From The 2023 NHL Draft – Part 2

In Part 1 of my thoughts from the draft, I touched on a few high-level takeaways from my visit to the 2023 NHL Draft in Nashville this summer. Here, in

Rob Martini

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